How to Store Red Wine At Home

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Written By Charlie Henney

Charlie's been a wine enthusiast for 20+ years. He and Roseanne have a vast amount of experience and expertise in wine refrigerators.





For many wine enthusiasts, storing red wine is just as important as drinking it. There are some things you should know before storing a bottle of red wine. When storing red wine, the goal is to create an environment similar to what the wine would encounter in a wine cellar. This entails storing the wine in a cool, dark place away from extreme temperature changes.

However, wine storage does not stop here. It’s also critical to purchase high-quality wines!

There are several things you can do to ensure that the wine you buy is of the highest quality possible. For starters, consider the region from which your wine comes. The climate and soil in this region will have a direct impact on the grapes and how they will produce a finished wine. Next, look for an official body of certification or a sign that confirms the wine was made in the traditional manner.

The Basics of Red Wine Storage

Wine can be stored in a number of different ways. This article will go over some of the most popular methods, as well as some of the reasons why one method may be preferable to another.

The optimal temperature and humidity levels around the bottle are the first things to consider when storing wine. Too much heat can cause your wine to spoil, and too much moisture can cause mold to grow. Wine should be stored in a cool, dark place with a humidity level of 55% to 75%.

In addition, the type of wine dictates how it is stored; here is a list of the most common types of red wine.

Cabernet Sauvignon

Temperatures should be kept between 40 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cabernet Sauvignon wine is a red wine varietal, or grape, grown in France’s Bordeaux region and other wine-producing regions around the world. It is regarded as one of the world’s most popular red wines.

Cabernet Sauvignon wines are typically made from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, but they can also be made from Cabernet Franc, Merlot, and other grapes.


Chianti should be stored at 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Chianti is an Italian red wine from the Chianti region of Tuscany. It is usually made from Sangiovese grapes.


Merlot should be stored at a temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit.

Merlot wine is a red wine that originated in France.

Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir should be stored in a cool place between 50°F and 55°F.

Pinot noir is a type of red wine native to France.

There are a variety of storage options for wine at home, ranging from wooden wine racks and cabinets designed to keep your bottles at the proper temperature and humidity levels to simply leaning them against your walls or on top of a piece of furniture. It is suggested that they be stored on their sides.

What is the Best Way to Store a Bottle of Red Wine?

A bottle of red wine should be stored in a cool, dark place away from light.

It is best to keep your wine in the fridge, in a dark and cool place. Wine can be stored on its side, but keep it away from direct sunlight, which will deteriorate it over time.

Red wine can be stored in a wine fridge (single zone or dual zone), on a wine rack, or in a wine cellar. Which is the best will be determined by the type of wine.

In general, red wine should be served and stored at around 55 degrees Fahrenheit. If the wine is not stored at this temperature, the alcohol evaporates and the wine’s flavor changes.

How Long Can You Store a Bottle of Red Wine?

The best wines should be kept in a cool, dark place for 2-4 years. 13 degrees Celsius is the ideal temperature. If the wine is kept in a warm place, it will lose flavor and may spoil.

Some wines are more complex than others and can last for up to 10-15 years. To maintain their quality, they must be stored in a dry environment at an appropriate temperature.

You can also freeze wine to store it for 3-6 months or drink it right away if you want to enjoy the flavor that is present right now but only for a short period of time.

How to Store Red Wine After Opening

Wine should be kept in a cool, dark place. A wine refrigerator may not be the best place to store wine if it is an inexpensive model, as it can cause condensation on the bottle. As a result, always invest in a high-quality wine cooler; after all, you want your red wine to stay fresh.

We’ve included some of our best buyer’s guides below:

Red wines should be stored upright in a dark place, away from light sources. The temperature of the room should be kept stable to avoid temperature fluctuations that could affect how well the wine ages. On average, red wines are best served between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit because this temperature allows wines to age gracefully.

How to Keep Your Reds Fresh & Ready to Drink All Year Round

The wine industry has struggled for decades with keeping wines fresh and ready to drink all year. However, advances in the science of preservation have made it easier for wine drinkers to enjoy their favorite vintages whenever they want in recent years.

Why is preserving red wine difficult

The desired taste of red wine is a combination of sugars, tannins, salts, and phenolic compounds. As a result, red wine preservation is more difficult than white wine preservation.

Tannins are responsible for the astringent taste of red wines. The tannins polymerize, which reduces the astringent taste.

Red wines’ antioxidant properties are due to phenolic compounds. They can be oxidized by being exposed to air for an extended period of time.


As stated in the introduction, there are differing views on the best way to store red wine. Some people advise storing wine on its side to keep the cork moist and reduce the possibility of spoilage. Others argue that storing wine on its side exposes it to more air, which can spoil the wine. The idea behind storing wine on its side is to expose the cork to less air and oxygen.

The answer to this question is not simple and varies depending on one’s point of view. However, there is conclusive evidence that keeping your red wine in a cool environment will help to preserve its quality for a longer period of time.

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