Why Is Wine Sold At Room Temperature?

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Written By Roseanne

Charlie's been a wine enthusiast for 20+ years. He and Roseanne have a vast amount of experience and expertise in wine refrigerators.





When it comes to wine, serving it at the right temperature can make a big difference in its taste and aroma. Many people wonder why wine is sold at room temperature, rather than being chilled or heated. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this, as well as the ideal room temperature for storing and serving wine, the effect of different types of wine on recommended serving temperature, the shelf life of wine at room temperature, the differences between red and white wine, the possibility of chilling wine sold at room temperature, the downsides of serving wine at room temperature, and how the environment can affect wine temperature.

Why Is Wine Sold At Room Temperature?

Why is wine sold at room temperature instead of being chilled or heated?

Wine is usually sold at room temperature because it is assumed that people will take it home and store it in their own homes, which are typically kept at room temperature. Additionally, some wines may be damaged by excessive cold or heat, so storing them at room temperature is a safe bet. Another reason is that chilling wine can dull its flavors and aromas, making it less enjoyable to drink. The same is true for heating wine, which can make it taste overly alcoholic.

What is the ideal room temperature for storing and serving wine?

The ideal room temperature for storing wine is around 55°F (13°C). This temperature helps to preserve the wine’s flavors and aromas, while also preventing it from aging too quickly. When it comes to serving wine, the ideal temperature varies depending on the type of wine.

Does the type of wine affect the recommended serving temperature?

wine glass filled with water

Yes, different types of wine are best served at different temperatures. For example, white wine should be served between 45-50°F (7-10°C), while red wine should be served between 60-65°F (16-18°C). Rosé and sparkling wines have their own specific temperature requirements, and it’s important to keep in mind that serving wine too cold or too warm can alter its taste and aroma.

How long can wine be stored at room temperature before it goes bad?

Wine can be stored at room temperature for a few days to a few weeks, depending on the type of wine and how it was bottled. Generally, red wines can last longer than white wines, as they have more tannins, which act as natural preservatives. However, it’s important to keep in mind that wine is a perishable item, and it will eventually go bad if it’s not consumed.

What are the differences between red and white wine in terms of ideal serving temperature?

As mentioned earlier, red wine is best served at a warmer temperature than white wine. This is because red wines have more complex flavors and aromas, and serving them too cold can mask these characteristics. White wines, on the other hand, are typically lighter and more delicate, and serving them too warm can make them taste flabby or dull.

Can you chill wine that is sold at room temperature?

Yes, you can chill wine that is sold at room temperature. However, it’s important to do so slowly and gradually, so as not to shock the wine. Rapid temperature changes can damage the wine and alter its flavor and aroma.

Are there any downsides to serving wine at room temperature?

One of the downsides to serving wine at room temperature is that it can sometimes be too warm, especially if the room is particularly hot. This can make the wine taste overly alcoholic and can mask its more subtle flavors and aromas. Additionally, serving wine too warm can make it feel heavy in the mouth, and can make it less refreshing to drink.

How does the temperature of the environment affect the serving temperature of wine?

The temperature of the environment can have a big impact on the serving temperature of the wine. For example, if you are serving wine outside on a hot summer day, it’s important to keep in mind that the wine will warm up more quickly than if it were served indoors in a cooler environment. This means that you may need to serve the wine slightly colder than you normally would, in order to compensate for the higher ambient temperature.

In colder environments, such as in the winter or in air-conditioned rooms, it may be necessary to serve the wine slightly warmer than usual, in order to allow its flavors and aromas to fully develop. It’s always a good idea to take the temperature of the environment into account when serving wine, in order to ensure that it’s served at the optimal temperature for the best taste and enjoyment.


round photo frame lot on wall

In conclusion, wine is typically sold at room temperature because it’s the safest bet for storing and preserving its flavors and aromas. However, the ideal temperature for serving wine varies depending on the type of wine, and it’s important to take the environment into account as well. By following the recommended serving temperatures for different types of wine, you can ensure that you’re getting the most out of your wine-drinking experience.


Can you heat up the wine if it’s too cold?

While it’s possible to heat up wine if it’s too cold, it’s generally not recommended. Heating wine can alter its flavor and aroma, and can make it taste overly alcoholic. It’s better to let the wine warm up gradually on its own.

Can you serve wine straight from the fridge?

It’s not recommended to serve wine straight from the fridge, as this can make it too cold and mask its flavors and aromas. It’s best to let the wine warm up slightly before serving, or to use a wine cooler to bring it to the ideal serving temperature.

Does the shape of the wine glass affect the temperature of the wine?

Yes, the shape of the wine glass can affect the temperature of the wine. For example, a wider glass will allow the wine to warm up more quickly, while a narrower glass will help to maintain its temperature. It’s best to use a glass that is designed specifically for the type of wine you are serving, in order to ensure the best taste and aroma.

Can you store wine in the fridge?

While you can store wine in the fridge, it’s not the ideal place for long-term storage. The constant temperature changes can damage the wine and alter its flavor and aroma. It’s best to store wine in a cool, dark place, such as a wine cellar or a dedicated wine fridge.

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Should Red Wine Be Stored In A Wine Fridge?

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